In this game you will have to cook potatoes.
bring your potatoes above the flames to cook them.

You can create new potatoes whenever you want.
You control one potato at a time and can switch to another potato whenever you want.
Numbers above the potato show  currentState/maxState.
If the potato goes above maxState, it's destroyed :'(
To validate points from a potatoe, make it jump into the blue bowl, the currentState will be added to your score.

Only one potato at a time on a flame. If several potatoes are on a flame, they will stop cooking!

You have 60 seconds to cook as many potatoes as you can, be quick, but don't be too greedy.

Arrows : control the current potato
C : create a new potato
S : switch active potato (cyclic)

The current potato is shown by a green arrow

Improvements to be done (after the jam):

- better graphic assets
- add music

fixed in local version (will be uploaded after the jam had ended)
- fix end time (currently -1s)
- in some cases it seems several potatoes are allowed to cook over a same flame, for now let's pretend the bug doesn't exist :p
- some selection bug can happen when a potato is destroyed

Done for trijam #88 in 3h45
Theme: hot potato


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Pas mal du tout pour une deuxième Trijam ;) le concept est grave bien et si après la jam tu améliore encore le jeu ça pourrait être super cool 👍 

héhé merci :)  c'est vrai que je suis déjà plus satisfait de celui-ci que de mon premier